Dog aggression and how to stop dog aggression, and what to do to stop your dog from being aggressive, is what most of my calls are as a Dog Behaviorist. At Phoenix Dog Training, about 80% or more of the dog training problems we deal with is dog aggression. It can be heartbreaking to have a family pet that you love and that are great in so many different ways, but perhaps your dog is aggressive towards people, or your dog is aggressive towards other dogs. What can be particularly scary and heartbreaking about dog aggression is when you have multiple dogs fighting in the house. Our Dog Aggression Training Phoenix Rehabilitation Programs are the most successful aggression behavior modification programs in the country.

Phoenix Dog Aggrssion Trainers

There are various types of dog aggression. Here are just a few types of dog aggression.

  • Fear Aggression
  • Territorial Aggression
  • Dog on Dog Aggression
  • Dog Aggression Towards Humans
  • Food Aggression
  • Toy Aggression
  • Fence or Gate Aggression
  • Dominance Aggression

The most common type of  Dog aggression is fear aggression. Almost all aggression is fear related aggression. Animals, including dogs, only go into “fight or flight” when there is a perceived threat. Many of the above listed types of aggression have fear as their primary motivator. Some dogs are afraid they will loose their food. Some dogs are afraid they will loose a bone or a favorite toy. Some dogs are afraid that their space or territory is in danger or being threatened. Some dogs fear that their owners are in danger or may experience a threat.

In many cases of aggression it can be difficult to see any real reason for the dog’s aggression. There are about 3% to 7% of dogs with genetic and neurochemical contributing factors to their aggression. This type of aggression can be the most difficult to deal with. In this type of aggression there may be no “real” threat to the dog yet the dog feels there is a threat and becomes reactively aggressive.

The number one goal is to properly assess the type of dog aggression and all of the many contributing factors that might play a role in the dog’s aggression. Old school dog training used to just assume basically any dog that was aggressive was just trying to be “alpha” and was showing dominance. After many decades of scientific research and studies on dog aggression, today we know that is rarely the case. In over 30 years as a dog aggression expert and dog behaviorist who specializes in dog aggression and has worked with and helped some of the most aggressive dogs in the country and abroad, I can honestly say true dominance aggression is very rare, and todays science and studies on aggression in dogs concurs with what has been my experience.

As a result of the latest scientific studies and research on dog aggression, we know today that the last thing you want to do is punish, harshly correct with pain, fear or intimidation, or dominate your dog with an ‘alpha roll.’ These outdated old school dog training methods have never show any long term success in rehabilitating an aggressive dog with lasting results and lasting success. These harsh methods actually add more stress and pressure, along with adding more fear to the dog that is already experiencing something it finds threatening. We want to teach the dog that there is no threat, that the dog can be calm and safe. These old school correction based Dog Obedience Training methods that are harsh do the opposite. We often see other trainers have limited success for a week or two until the dog then snaps and becomes even more aggressive, and often times the dog can become aggressive toward the owner who has been wrongly taught to give a harsh correction to their dog. This is what for real serious cases of dog aggression you need a dog behaviorist.

Phoenix Dog Training has the highest success rate when it comes to treating and rehabilitating dog aggression anywhere in the country. A lot of what Phoenix Dog Training and our Internationally Acclaimed Harvard Dog Behaviorist do is fix and treat aggressive dogs that other dog trainers cannot rehabilitate. We have rehabilitated many dogs that some top trainers and celebrity TV dog trainers have not had lasting success with. Our approach and our system to treat and rehabilitate dog aggression is based in the latest science, and research on dog aggression behavior modification, counterconditioning, and desensitization, along with the latest science in canine cognition.   At Phoenix Dog Training our Harvard Educated Dog Behaviorist specifically studied canine cognition at Harvard University and used that knowledge and education to create what is today’s most successful dog aggression rehabilitation training system.

If you have a dog with an aggression problem call today to schedule an in depth 2-3 hour behavioral assessment and evaluation. After completion of our behaviorist assessment you will be provided with a treatment plan and behavior modification program that we can begin to work on that day to bring about the needed change in your dog’s aggression.

Call today to schedule your AGGRESSION EVALUATION appointment (602) 769-1411


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