#4 Not Using Training Tools

Dog Training Tools

The 4th Biggest Mistake Dog Owners Make is Not Using Training Tools with their dog. Tools are designed to make a job easier. Try pounding a nail into the wall without a hammer. Try learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. You might be able to get the job done, but it will take a lot more work, a lot more time, and with greater pain. When you get a new dog or puppy there are some basic tools you need.

  • A Short Leash or Drag Rope Line about 3 Feet Long for indoors until your dog can behave in the house consistently, your dog should be dragging a leash so it is easier to correct your dog and move your dog around
  • A Regular 6 Foot Leash for walking outside. Until your dog is trained you should never have your dog off leash outside.
  • A 15 to 20 Foot Long Line or Long Leash. When you and your dog are in large open spaces to run around or get exercise, your dog should be wearing a long leash or long line. The long line give you and you’re dog more freedom to move around, yet you still have the ability to manage and control your dog. You are also able to teach your dog to never be more that 15 to 20 feet away from you. This is great for eventual hiking, going to the beach, or just hanging out in the park or any open area.
  • A Correction Collar. First, A FLAT SNAP OR BUCKLE COLLAR IS NOT A CORRECTION COLLAR AND IS DANGEROUS TO USE FOR ANY LEASH CORRECTIONS. There is no such thing as a “bad correction collar” and there are no training tools that are “” Tools are neutral. What makes a tool good or bad is all up to the person or trainer who is using the tool. After 35 years experience I have found that all training tools can be used safely and humanely. What I have seen are ignorant dog owners and dog trainers that lack the knowledge, education, training, and skill set to use certain tools properly. If you are unsure what collar to use and how to use it, it is important to hire a professional dog trainer who can guide and advise you. Here is a tip, If you are using a correction tool and it does not work, its not the tool, it’s the trainer or you not knowing how to have success with the correction collar.
  • Training Rewards (Food). Your dog learns by getting well-timed rewards and well-timed corrections. Unless your dog does not like food at all, you are foolish not to use training rewards. How long would you work at your job if the paychecks stopped coming? Would you work for free? It is no different in training a dog or any animal. Your dog needs a paycheck. There is a difference between a bribe and a training reward. Food bribes are difficult to wean off of and get dogs to do the desired behavior. Food Training Rewards are easily weaned off of. With a food bribe the dog is seeing the food before it does the desired behavior. Your dog will always be looking for food. It is not just about the food, but the presence of food also acts as part of the command. The food is like a hand signal that is part of the verbal command. If this is how your dog is trained, when you take the food away your dog is a little bit confused as well. With Food Training Rewards, your dog never even sees the food until the behavior happens. The Food Training Rewards are now uses as a paycheck and not a bribe. Food Training Rewards should always be in a treat bag, and your hand should never reach in to get a food reward until your dog does the desired behavior. So the next tool you need is
  • A Treat Bag. Until your dog is trained and reliable you should have a treat bag and food rewards available at all times while you are with your dog. Food Rewards and Treat Bags can go away once your dog is properly trained.
  • A Dog Crate. Rule #1 when training a new dog or puppy is Supervise or Confine. Remember mistake #3 Not Being Consistent? If you don’t crate your dog at times when you cannot visually see your dog and your dog’s behavior, you cannot be consistent in correcting unwanted behavior. If your dog is destructive or has an accident, or takes something off the counter, or gets into the trash, or engages in any other unwanted behavior when you don’t see your dog while you are home, asleep, or have left the house, shame on you. Your dog has not been properly trained and the mistake is yours.. Your dog will never learn to stop the unwanted behavior if id continues to act out the bad behavior without consistent corrections. Call Phoenix Dog Training for help with any dog obedience training or puppy  training now 602-769-1411